Apache Pulsar


Apache Pulsar Overview

Apache® Pulsar™ is a cloud-native, multi-tenant, high-performance solution for server-to-server messaging and queuing built on the publisher-subscribe (pub-sub) pattern. Pulsar combines the best features of a traditional messaging system like RabbitMQ with those of a pub-sub system like Apache Kafka, scaling up or down dynamically without downtime. It's used by thousands of companies for high-performance data pipelines, microservices, instant messaging, data integrations, and more.

Decodable + Apache Pulsar

Decodable regards Apache Pulsar as both a source which can send a stream of data, and a sink which can receive one or more streams of data from a pipeline. You could use Decodable to take data from Pulsar and send to an analytical database or machine learning model, or even send back to another Pulsar topic after transformation. With Pulsar as a sink, Decodable can take a stream of data from a messaging system such as Kinesis, a REST API or even a standard database like MySQL or Postgres running in CDC (change data capture) mode. Transforming data between Pulsar topics can be the basis for building sophisticated event-driven microservice applications without writing a single line of code.

In the following video you'll see how to use Pulsar as a sink, streaming data into Decodable which transforms it and outputs to Amazon Kinesis.