
Our Mission

Decodable’s mission is to make building real-time applications and services easier. We are fighting complexity by solving the problem at the root - removing complex infrastructure and processes.

By providing data engineers and app developers with a serverless data engineering platform, organizations can enable teams to self-serve, and give the right people access to the right data — fast.

Our Journey

Launched 2019

Modern applications work in real-time, from security and fraud detection, to logistics, to commerce and social. The tools and infrastructure to build these systems however, are still far too complicated. Decodable grew out of the need to up-level, simplify, and accelerate the development and management of real-time applications and services.

Application developers, data engineers, and data scientists should be able to build and deploy a production real-time pipeline in minutes, without having to deal with complex concepts and infrastructure. That means making the infrastructure effectively disappear, leaving what feels like a serverless data engineering workflow that works the way they expect.

“Building real-time apps and services doesn’t need to be an exercise in distributed systems theory. We built Decodable to make it easy and fast for teams to get up and running with the knowledge they already have.”

Eric Sammer

Founder & CEO, Decodable

Backed by the Best

Decodable is supported and backed by partners including Venrock and Bain Capital, and the same people that helped build Astronomer, Cloudflare, Dgraph, Applied Systems, BMC Software, and OneSource Information Services, among many others.

What We Believe In


We are ourselves. We’re honest and forthright, and allow others to be the same by creating an environment that is inclusive, open, and responsive to feedback for employees and users.

Outcome Obsessed

We care about happy users, successful employees, shipping useful products, deals earned, and impressions made. We’re honest about the outcomes we’re getting and why, and use that to focus on what’s important.

Team First

We believe we can do more when we work together. No one person builds, ships, and gets a great product into the hands of our customers; it takes all of us.

Show Grit

We can do anything we decide to do. Sometimes that takes creativity, sometimes just hard work, but either way, we can get it done. We challenge the established thinking.

The Best

We work to be the best in what we do and how we do it, and recognize that we can always be better. We hire the best people, build the best product, and provide the best support to our users.