

MongoDB Overview

MongoDB® is a NoSQL document database used for high-volume data storage. As a document store, MongoDB makes use of collections and documents rather than tables and rows. It offers a flexible data model for storing JSON-like data, and provides indexing, replication.

Decodable + MongoDB

Decodable can output to a MongoDB database as a sink. To use MongoDB as a source you'll need to use the Oracle CDC (Change Data Capture) connector which converts table changes into a stream of change records. Decodable is a convenient way to populate MongoDB tables with data sourced from a range of source systems including messaging systems such as Kafka, a REST API or a CDC source. Decodable transports the data and provides a SQL-based transformation to ensure that the data arrives at MongoDB for ingestion in an optimized form.

Let's Get Decoding

Decodable is free to try. Register for access and see how easy it is.