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Apache Flink

Apache Kafka

Change Data Capture



Stream Processing

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Navigating Event Streaming with Decodable CEO Eric Sammer

In this episode of the Real-Time Analytics podcast, host Tim Berglund welcomes Eric Sammer, Founder and CEO of Decodable. Eric, an industry leader in event streaming technology, discusses the company's focus on stream processing, real-time data processing, and integration with systems like Apache Pinot and StarTree. The conversation delves into the challenges and complexities of managing data, from data cleansing to structuring for different use cases. They explore the ideal balance between generalized and specialized systems, emphasizing the importance of flexibility. Ultimately, they highlight how stream processing serves as an effective solution to adjust and distribute data intelligently, providing an essential abstraction point.

Navigating Event Streaming with Decodable CEO Eric Sammer

In this episode of the Real-Time Analytics podcast, host Tim Berglund welcomes Eric Sammer, Founder and CEO of Decodable. Eric, an industry leader in event streaming technology, discusses the company's focus on stream processing, real-time data processing, and integration with systems like Apache Pinot and StarTree. The conversation delves into the challenges and complexities of managing data, from data cleansing to structuring for different use cases. They explore the ideal balance between generalized and specialized systems, emphasizing the importance of flexibility. Ultimately, they highlight how stream processing serves as an effective solution to adjust and distribute data intelligently, providing an essential abstraction point.

Ingesting IoT Data To Rockset

Rockset is a real-time analytics database that is capable of low latency, high concurrency analytical queries. It’s a fully managed database service that supports all the major cloud providers. It uses a storage engine called RocksDB which is an open source key-value data store. RocksDB is used in many high performance storage systems like MySQL, Apache Kafka and CockroachDB. RocksDB is written entirely in C++, for maximum performance. RocksDB is ideal for fast, low latency storage such as flash drives and high-speed disk drives. In this demo, we will walk you through how to capture IoT data from a MQTT broker. The data will contain metrics from a cell phone. We’ll then transform it and send it to Rockset and visualize it in a real time dashboard.

Ingesting IoT Data To Rockset

Rockset is a real-time analytics database that is capable of low latency, high concurrency analytical queries. It’s a fully managed database service that supports all the major cloud providers. It uses a storage engine called RocksDB which is an open source key-value data store. RocksDB is used in many high performance storage systems like MySQL, Apache Kafka and CockroachDB. RocksDB is written entirely in C++, for maximum performance. RocksDB is ideal for fast, low latency storage such as flash drives and high-speed disk drives. In this demo, we will walk you through how to capture IoT data from a MQTT broker. The data will contain metrics from a cell phone. We’ll then transform it and send it to Rockset and visualize it in a real time dashboard.
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