We’re Abusing The Data Warehouse

By now, everyone has seen the rETL (Reverse ETL) trend: you want to use data from app #1 (say, Salesforce) to enrich data in app #2 (Marketo, for example).  Because most shops are already sending data from app #1 to the data warehouse with an ELT tool like Fivetran, many people took what they think was a shortcut, doing the transformation in the data warehouse and then using an rETL tool to move the data out of the warehouse and into app #2.  

The high-priced data warehouses and data lakes, ELT, and rETL companies were happy to help users deploy what seemed like a pragmatic way to bring applications together, even at serious cost and complexity.

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Key Takeaways

<div class="list-item-with-icon">Cloud data warehouse CPU cycles are expensive</div>
<div class="list-item-with-icon">Up-to-date is better than out-of-date</div>
<div class="list-item-with-icon">Reformatting & enriching data in-flight has become easy</div>
<div class="list-item-with-icon">Delivery is getting easier every day</div>

About the author

Eric Sammer

Eric Sammer is a data analytics industry veteran who has started two companies, Rocana (acquired by Splunk in 2017), and Decodable. He is an author, engineer, and leader on a mission to help companies move and transform data to achieve new and useful business results. Eric is a speaker on topics including data engineering, ML/AI, real-time data processing, entrepreneurship, and open source. He has spoken at events including the Apache Pinot conference and Confluent Current, on podcasts with Software Engineering Daily and Sam Ramji, and has appeared in various industry publications.

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